magic is meant to mystify, like you.



== ... 01. ...== ... My name is Sun ( she/her pronouns ), I live in Canada ( mst ) and I’m 30 years old. I work a labour-heavy full-time job and my activity tends to work around that. I’m very slow and unresponsive during my work week which is Sunday-Thursday, and during that week I can typically be found on DISCORD or TWITTER, which mutuals are more than welcome to ask me for. I’m not fond of tumblr IMs, so I GREATLY prefer discord for plotting!
== ... 02. ...== ... This is a MUTUALS ONLY blog, meaning I will only interact with those who are following me and I am following them in return. I tend to keep my circle pretty tight, but I’m easy to get along with and always ready to meet new people, so please don’t be shy!
== ... 03. ...== ... I will softblock without warning if my guidelines are not respected. I will also softblock/hardblock if I see bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, pedophilia, incest, noncon/dubcon. Don’t be an asshole and we will get along just fine.
== ... 04. ...== ... I typically don’t post content that contains usual triggers, but if I do post something that upsets you, please feel free to let me know. The most I post about is blood, violence, occasional written gore, and trauma.
== ... 05. ...== ... I personally don’t have any triggers, but PLEASE DO NOT try to engage with me in sexual content if we are not on familiar terms.
Also please don’t attempt to parent my muses. This is a personal touchy spot and I will not talk about it.
Don’t use me as a meme mill. I know I don’t always practice reblog karma, but I try to as much as possible, and I would appreciate it in return. If you do not wish to send me a meme, please reblog it from the source.
PLEASE do not spam my activity. This includes likes, and following and unfollowing to get my attention. It will NOT work.

== ... 06. ...== ... The majority of my muses are open to multiship, which I would be happy to discuss! All you have to do is send me a message and say HEY I SHIP IT! I do, however, tend to prioritize shipping with my close friends. Currently, only Edraele is singleship, and Verysanza and Xanderlys are NOT open to shipping..
== ... 07. ...== ... Mains and exclusives WILL be present on this blog. I’m getting too old and spread too thin to try and reach out to everyone all the time, and I do tend to prioritize my close friends and people who actively plot with me. That being said, I will usually interact with more than one portrayal of a muse, unless EXCLUSIVITY has been previously established. Exclusivity is typically reserved for SHIPPING partners, and I will usually take 2-3 mains of canon muses.
== ... 08. ...== ... With the exception of my ocs from specific fandoms, the rest of them have all been developed in extensive lore of their own, and I cordially expect my content to remain my own. Please do not steal my content.
Unless otherwise stated, all graphics are my own. Please do not take them.
== ... 09. ...== ... I make separate posts for IN CHARACTER asks.
I use small font in threads and asks with minimal formatting.
I do NOT use icons for my ocs simply because I am too picky ( read as: lazy ) to find suitable faceclaims; however, some DO have faceclaims and I will occasionally reblog photos of them.
== ... 10. ...== ... Other than that, I’m really easy going and LOVE to talk to people and plot when I am able to. I will happily make ocs that fit your wishlists, and if you ever want to ask me anything, please feel free to shoot me a message, I love to hear from you!
Thank you for reading ♥


== ... ...== ... dream, not because you want more, but because you see bigger


== ..... zithlo anokei .....==


== ..... sebyl senaphilia barytha lightwing .....==


== ..... eritai villaneuve .....==

read more.

== ..... nakagawa mitsuhira .....==

read more.

== ..... **kaname hinamiya ** .....==

read more.

== ..... cresta van cordain .....==

read more.